[Msorchestra] Wednesday concert

Kim and Glenn Engler kg.engler at verizon.net
Mon Dec 18 10:42:14 EST 2006

This is a follow-up of last weeks email--there are still plenty of opportunities for you to help out!!  We are in need of MORE REFRESHMENT DONATIONS of both finger cookies and a few more cases of small water bottles.  I would also like another volunteer to chaperone before the concert from 6:30-7:30 in the respective pre-concert rooms.(6th grade in the black box, 7th/8th in the band room).
Please email me back to let me know what you can do to help out.

The concert is at 7:30 this Wednesday Dec. 20th at the High School , and your child and the refreshments need to be dropped off at 6:30.  The goodies go to the Cafeteria, and the children go to the respective warm up rooms.

So far, the Volunteers for food and water are as follows.  Please let me know if you can also bring some goodies for the post concert gathering.  Remember, this is a great way to congratulate our performers and have a few minutes to say hi to friends.  

1.Carol Flack
2. Denise Huckins
3. Jane Clark
4. Dee Freiberg
5. Peggy Ober
6. Jessica Pohl
Water cases provided by the following families:  Robson, Pohl, Huckins, Fong, and Cohen.

This reception will have SEVERAL HUNDRED people, so please consider helping out with some goodies.  There are rarely leftovers.  The kids and adults are hungry!!  Store bought is fine, we just need more!!

Kim Engler
Weston Friends of Music
Kg.engler at verizon.net
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