[Hschorus] HS Chorus : Chorus Winter concert volunteers still needed --December 13th

Mary Jane Sarocco maryjanesar at verizon.net
Mon Dec 10 10:56:23 EST 2012


Dear WHS Chorus Community

First,  thank you, for all those who volunteered to help on the Winter
Potluck.  We are , unfortunately , not getting the needed response to help
with the upcoming Winter concert on  Thursday, December 13th at 7:30 pm in
the High School Auditorium.   As always, we have a reception in the
cafeteria following the concert for the students and family.  The kids
really appreciate the treats after the concert.  

We need many volunteers to make this happen.  So far , out of the 30
volunteers needed, we only have 7 to bring cookies or desserts and we still
need 2-3 parents who can volunteer to bring either small bottled waters or
gallon jugs of water/ice tea/juice.  

I know this is a busy time of year, but we have over 180 choral students.
We had a great turnout for the Potluck with over 75 volunteers.  I'd ask you
to please consider helping out with this event if you haven't already had a
chance to volunteer.  Desserts do NOT need to be homemade-just no nuts,
please.   Fruit is fine,  cookies or brownies or even a veggie platter.  

Please respond to me at  <mailto:maryjanesar at verizon.net>
maryjanesar at verizon.net to let me know if you can help, what you will be


Thanks in advance for any help to  show our gratitude to the kids and to
make  the concert a success!



Additional music information can be found on the
<http://www.westonschools.org/index.cfm?pid=19750> WFOM Website.



Mary Jane Sarocco

WFOM HS Chorus Chair






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