[Hschorus] NY first day - another great day!!

Provenzano, Therese ProvenzanoT at mail.weston.org
Sun Jan 16 23:33:06 EST 2011

Hi all,
Its 11:30 and we just arrived back to the hotel from a looonnnnggg , but terrific day... 
WE started off at the metropolitan museum of art, which has so much for the kids to see and it was a really nice morning there... then we were off to Radio City for a tour and then some time shopping on 5th avenue... better check your credit cards parents......!!!!!! They met some Rockettes (sp??) and saw the animals and back stage and all the art deco in the building....
Then we ate at a Texas bbque before heading to our theatre -- Billy Elliot, Stomp or Avenue Q --- ALLLLL the kids said they loved their show... and Billy Elliot - the one i was at with 70 students was FABULOUS!!
I'm about to do bed check and it is up bright and early to head to our concert at Trinity... should be fabulous... a beautiful and meaningful place to sing at ground zero.... then we will head home..
Again,, your children have been wonderful --- such a great group to work with!!!!!
They will give you a call on the way home to let you know when they will arrive....
cheers!! Thérèse

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