[Hschorus] NY first day - your kids have been great!!!!

Provenzano, Therese ProvenzanoT at mail.weston.org
Sat Jan 15 22:17:59 EST 2011

Hi parents... 
It's 10:30pm and we are all at the hotel after our first day.... I have to say,, your kids have been wonderful!!!
We arrived at St. John at 12 noon --- it is the largest cathedral in the world!! We sang our first concert to actually a good size audience... many people just tourists passing through that decided to stay and hear the group!!! They sang pretty well -- was hard for us to hear each other where we were, but the audience said it sounded amazing and you should have seen your children's faces when they heard their echo for 9 seconds!!!! It was so great!!!
Then we headed down to ground zero, battery park, east side highway and in to china town for dinner and shopping... I'm sure they will show you all their "bargains" and then to Top of the Rock for a brilliantly clear night and wonderful view of the whole city!!! 
We are at the hotel and kids will be in bed by 11 --- well, in their rooms by 11!!!!!
They have all been wonderful,, respectful, fun, on time!!! and just a great group to be with!!
We have a big day tomorrow and I'll email you tomorrow evening when we return to let you know about the day!!!!!
Therese Provenzano

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