Provenzano, Therese ProvenzanoT at mail.weston.org
Sat Dec 11 07:39:48 EST 2010

First, I would like to thank all the parents, esp. our fearless leader Jean O'Conner, who helped and worked at the pot-luck last week.  It was a HUGE success!! I know the time and planning it takes and both myself and the students so appreciate all the time the parents spent on this!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU... As well, The extra food was sent and enjoyed at the Bristol Lodge - a terrific idea and gesture.   Also, to Mrs. Chilton, who oversees all our concerts for us!!!! A huge job!!!

Second, I want to thank all the parents for your children... they did a fabulous job at the winter concert last wed.  They sang so well - so professionally and with so much heart and energy.  It is a joy to teach and work with them.  I thank you for such wonderful students!!!! Have a terrific holiday season and again, thanks to everyone for all you do for the chorus program! Fondly, Thérèse (Doc Prov)

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