[Msband] REQUEST: WMS December Band Concert Refreshment Volunteers STILL NEEDED

Brenda Messervy messervyb at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 11:02:57 EST 2015

Dear Parents of Weston Middle School Band Members,


The WMS December Band Concert is this Thursday, December 3rd at 7:30PM in
the WHS auditorium.  Parent volunteers are *STILL NEEDED* to help with
donations*.  Please let me know if you are able to help with any of the

*Refreshment Donations Needed *(*NUT-FREE PLEASE*):

   - *Desserts:* Finger desserts, e.g. cookies, brownies, fruit, etc.  (on
   disposable plates)
   - *Drinks:*  Either gallon jugs of water, cider or lemonade
   - *Cups, Napkins and Plates: * Small drinking cups and napkins

Please respond to messervyb at gmail.com if you are able to bring a donation.
Donated items can be dropped off in the High School Cafeteria by 6:15PM
Thursday.  Thanks in advance for your support of the WMS December Band

Have a great day!

Brenda Messervy
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