[Msband] Band Concert Tonight

Dandrea, Patrick p.dandrea at rivers.org
Tue May 13 12:08:04 EDT 2014

Hello MS Band Parents,

A reminder that the MS Band Concert is tonight. We look forward to a fantastic performance! Details are below:

Where: Weston High School Auditorium
When: Tuesday, May 13, 7:30 pm (Students must arrive no later than 6:30pm)
Dress Code:
Ladies- White blouse, black skirt or dress pants, maroon sash, black stockings and black shoes
Gentlemen: White, long sleeved button down shirt, black pants, maroon bow tie and cummerbund, black socks and shoes
Admission Price: $5 for adults. Students and seniors are free.

We also encourage any 8th grade students to donate their band uniform items after the concert if they will not be used in the future. There will be a box for donations outside the stage door after the concert.

See you tonight!
Patrick Dandrea and Lisa Nardone
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