[Hsorchestra] HIgh School Ochestra/Band Masquerade Concert October 28th

Beth Jakubowski b.jakubowski at comcast.net
Tue Oct 20 17:36:28 EDT 2009

Dear Parents,

 This is the first group email for the 2009-2010 school year to High School Orchestra parents from the Weston Friends of Music.  As the liaison between the "Friends" and orchestra parents, I will be sending out email notices and requests for assistance at orchestra events. Orchestra events usually involve a large number of students - so parent volunteers are very important in making things go smoothly.


The first event is the Orchestra/ Band Masquerade Concert, Wednesday October 28, 2009 at the High School. The concert starts at 7:30 pm in the gymnasium. This is a fun evening with lighthearted music and students dressed in Halloween costumes. Tickets are $5 per adult while staff, students and seniors are free. There is no help needed from orchestra parents for this event .

  Other events are coming up for which we will need volunteers:-      

    Senior District music auditions Saturday November 21, 2009. A few parents to chaperone and take attendance.

    High School/ Middle School Orchestra Winter Concert Wednesday, December 16, 2009. Ticket sellers, ushers and food volunteers will be needed.

   *Email requests for help will be sent out as the dates get closer, but mark your calendars now * 

 Thank you for support of the music program. See you at the Masquerade Concert!

 Best regards,

Beth  Jakubowski , WFOM High School Orchestra liaison chair

Beth Jakubowski
b.jakubowski at comcast.net
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