[Hschorus] High School Winter Chorus Concert, Tues Dec 19, 7:30pm. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!

Meghan Balbale meghan at balbale.com
Sun Dec 3 18:03:57 UTC 2023

 Greetings Families of High School Chorus Members,

Our Winter Chorus Concert is quickly approaching. Please read important
details below and we are also seeking volunteers and refreshments to help
make our spirits even brighter that night!

The *High School Chorus Winter Concert* is on *Tuesday, December 19th at
7:30 p.m. in the Weston High School Auditorium*. Students should arrive at
the High School by *6:45 p.m. for warm-ups. *

Please join us after the concert in the cafeteria for refreshments.  All
family members, relatives, and friends are welcome.

*Sign up here to volunteer or bring refreshments.

*Tickets *are $5 per adult. Students, seniors, and staff are free.  (Cash
and Apple Pay accepted.)

Thank you for your support of the Music Program!

Meghan Balbale & Holly Ameden, Weston Friends of Music Chair, High School

Anna Berger, Weston Friends of Music Chair
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