[Hschorus] WHS Chorus/Orchestra Pops Concert, Wed, Apr 8, 2015, 7:30pm

Michelle Avery michelle.avery at comcast.net
Tue Mar 10 20:14:34 EDT 2015

The Weston High School Music Department invites you to attend the annual 
WHS Chorus/Orchestra Pops Concert 
Wednesday, April 8, 2015, 7:30 pm 
Weston High School Gymnasium 
This concert's special café style tables fill up quickly and seats are reserved in the order they are received. 
Tables seat six at $10 per person. 
Refreshments are available for purchase and are served by our 8th grade music students. 
$5 bleacher seats are available at the door. 
Please email Michelle Avery for seating requests or questions. 
Reserve your cafe table seats on line today! 
Don't miss this memorable evening of wonderful music by our students! 
Visit: WHS Chorus | WHS Orchesstra | WHS Bulletin Board 

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