[Hschorus] Regis Concert Hospitality -- Cookies/Desserts Still Needed!

Meg Kelly mchk at verizon.net
Mon Jan 27 09:41:25 EST 2014

To All WHS Chorus Parents,

Thank you to all who have volunteered to bring cookies/dessert to the Regis Concert on Wednesday, February 5th. 

We are still in need of 10 volunteers to bring 2 dozen cookies/desserts.  This concert draws a huge crowd and the reception afterward is always a lovely way to end the remarkable evening.  You can sign up by clicking on the "Sign Up Genius" link:


Please note that all items should be dropped off at the main entrance to the Regis College Fine Arts Center when you drop off your son/daughter at 6:30 PM, and not when the concert begins at 8:00 PM.

Please remember that students CANNOT drive themselves to the concert; they must be dropped off.  Regis will ticket cars without a Regis parking sticker.

The concert is fast approaching!  Thank you for your help!!


Denise Joutras, Amanda Goff & Meg Kelly
Regis Concert Committee Hospitality Team

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