[Hschorus] Spring Sing Volunteers Needed!

Mary Jane Sarocco maryjanesar at verizon.net
Mon Mar 4 11:53:55 EST 2013


             Hello Everyone!


Weston"s Annual Spring Sing Concert is next week - Wednesday, March 13th at
7:30 pm at the High School.  As you know, this fabulous event features songs
performed by students all the way from lower elementary (3rd grade) through
High School and we are in need of just a few volunteers to help out for this


We need :


.         one person to  help with ticket sales

.         3 people to help as ushers 


Volunteers will need to arrive by 6:30 pm.    Please email me at:
maryjanesar at verizon.net if you can help out.  


Additional information can be found on the Weston Friends of Music page of
the HS website (http://westonschools.org/index.cfm?pid=19750).   


Thanks in advance as always. Your help is greatly appreciated. 



Mary Jane Sarocco

Weston Friends of Music, HS Chair





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