[Hschorus] BSO Tickets: Stravinsky and Bartok

Memoli, Christopher MemoliC at mail.weston.org
Thu Jan 6 21:55:59 EST 2011

Music Parents and Students,

The Boston Symphony Orchestra has offered students and parents of the Weston High School Music Department 50 free tickets for tomorrow night's concert (Friday, 1/7/11).  Details of the concert can be found here:  http://www.bso.org/bso/mods/perf_detail.jsp?pid=prod3720072

If you are interested, please let me know and the tickets will be left at the will call window.  The tickets will be given out on a first come, first served basis.


Christopher Memoli
Director of Music
Weston Public Schools
444 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA  02493
memolic at weston.org<mailto:memolic at weston.org>

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