[Hschorus] New York Trip

Provenzano, Therese ProvenzanoT at mail.weston.org
Mon Sep 27 14:27:20 EDT 2010

Hi all,
Enclosed is the letter/permission/theatre form for our chorus trip in 
January!!! These are due this Thursday and I'm sending it to all of you 
so you have it and we can get the forms in.  This is the last week to 
get these in so please be prompt with the forms as the deadline is due 
to Theatre and hotel reservations and they stand firm on those!!!

This trip will be exciting and tiring... I hope your child will go with 
us.  To answer a question from parents - the "free" time the students 
have (for about 1 hour or so) they must be in groups of 4 or more and 
if any parent does not wish their child to be without adult 
supervision, these students can be with me, no problem (just make sure 
I know!!).... let me know if you have any questions...
provenzanot at mail.weston.org

Thérèse Provenzano
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