[Hschorus] looking for a chair to coordinate the concert and pot luck on Sunday, December 6th

Collette Chilton cchilton at williams.edu
Mon Nov 9 13:48:10 EST 2009

Dear High School Chorus parents:

On December 6th, the High School Chorus will sing at the New Pond Senior
Living Community, and then they will return to the High School for a fun
pot luck dinner provided by the parents.  We'll need several volunteers
for this event: 

*        Chair: one volunteer to organize the afternoon (make a flyer
for the kids to sign up and organize the volunteers);

*        Several volunteers (5 to 8) to help with the set up the dinner;

*        Several volunteers (5 to 8) to help with the clean up after the
pot luck dinner. 

We'll ask everyone to help with the food as we get closer to the event.

Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help set up or clean up for
this event.  We are looking for one person who would like to volunteer
to chair and coordinate this event.  The chair for the event coordinates
the volunteers.  Each class is responsible for bringing different dishes
and paper supplies so the chair does not need to find volunteers to
bring food.

Please send me an email if you would like to be the chair for this fun

Best regards,

Collette Chilton


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