[Hschorus] FW: HS chorus Celtics Flyer

Collette Chilton cchilton at williams.edu
Thu Nov 1 12:23:27 EST 2007

Hello High School Chorus parents:


Hopefully you've received a flyer at home regarding the opportunity for
the high school chorus to sing at the Celtics game January 9th.  In case
you haven't seen one of these at home, I'm sending out an electronic
copy of the flyer.  The flyer needs to be sent back by November 19th so
Therese Provenzano can plan the chorus event in January.



Collette Chilton

Weston Friends of Music



From: Karen Valovcin [mailto:karenvalovcin at comcast.net] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 7:26 AM
To: Collette Chilton
Subject: HS chorus Celtics Flyer


Hi Colette,


Therese and I talked about having the Celtics Flyer emailed to the
Chorus email list - Just in case a flyer was misplaced and, of course,
to remind them of the due date : Nov. 19th.  I inadvertently put the
incorrect due date on the original flyer, Nov 11th instead of November
19th, but since it was earlier it shouldn't pose any problems (just
confusion - if they notice at all).  Sorry if that causes anyone to
contact you - just blame it on me if they do.


Could you please send it out to the group?   Thanks.



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